Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wii bowling.....

Just about every night, we play bowling on the Wii and last night Chloe, Taylor (cousins), Bethany and Preston came over and a few of them played. It was Dennis, Abbey, Taylor and Preston. Abbey bowled two 300 games (PERFECT) and then on the thrid game she bowled a 275. She missed the strike on the ninth frame. Now please don't think that we have this professional bowler on our hands because yesterday afternoon we went to Fannin Lanes and she bowled a 35 with the bumpers. She is much better at Wii bowling. Below are pictures to show that she really did bowl two 300 games.

(L to R: Abbey, Dennis, Preston, and Taylor)

(L to R: Abbey, Dennis, Taylor, and Preston)

(L to R: Abbey, Dennis, Taylor, and Preston)

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