I have been terrible lately about blogging. I have been extremely busy at work and after work so there has been really no time to blog. I will start this post with older pictures and work my way to now.
This picture was taken one day at the mall. It had been awhile since I had taken any pictures of them so I snapped one really fast.

Abbey had an awards program at school a few weeks ago. Dennis and I went and she received the all "A" award for the school year. We were very proud of her.

This picture was taken the last day that Rebecca worked for Southern Cross. She is very pregnant in the picture.

Rebecca had Anderson on May 28th. She weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. She is so precious. I went to the hospital to see her. She has the prettiest complexsion and tons of black hair. I can't wait to see her again.

This weekend we went to Hattiesburg for an all-star tournament for Abbey. Her team did really good. While we were down there, we had to take Abbey to the doctor. She wasn't feeling very good at all and she ended up having strep throat. She is much better now though. Her last game Saturday night ended at 11:00 p.m. so we were very tired driving home. Well Dennis was. I ended up sleeping part of the way.

On the way to Hattiesburg, Brandon had on his spiderman sunglasses (which were broke). He thought it was so funny so he wanted me to take a picture of him.

We have had a pretty eventful week. We had to take Brandon to the emergency room the other night to get stitches. He was getting out of the bath tub and decided to step on the side of the tub. When he did, he slipped and hit his head. Dennis wasn't sure if it was bad enough for stitches but we ended up taking him. We also had our garage sale and we ended up doing better than we had thought. I am so glad that it is over.
Dennis' house is finally starting to look like a family lives there. Abbey has her own room now and she loves it. She stays in there pretty much all the time. She asked if she could eat supper in there the other night. It was too funny! We went to Miskellys and bought a couch, 2 recliners, 3 end tables, and a breakfast table. I can't wait until it all comes in. I have been cleaning like crazy. Dennis calls me a compulsive cleaner. I'm sure it will all change after a while though. I am just excited about it. Well I guess that it about it for now. Maybe it won't be so long before I post again.