My sweet baby boy –
Today (29th) you will be one year old at 6:21 p.m. I will never forget this day as long as I live. The day before you were born I had a doctor's appointment that afternoon and my blood pressure was high so I was told to be at the hospital the next day at 5:00 to be induced. The rest of my appointment was a total blur. I couldn’t wait to call everyone to let them know that the big day was finally here. I ended up calling Daddy while the doctor left the room to schedule my induction. He didn’t believe me at first and thought I was joking. I couldn’t believe that I was finally going to be a MOM.
We had to get up really early the next day. We drove to the hospital in the dark and I was really scared and had no idea what to expect. It was so much easier than what I had thought it would be. I got my epidural and didn’t feel too much after that. This was the best day of my life. I never dreamed that I could love my child as much as I love you. It was definitely love at first sight. It is a love that only a mother understands.
You have been such a good baby and every new stage that we come to I love that much more that the one before. I think you are the sweetest, cutest little boy I have ever seen. I am a little biased and I don’t really care. Your smile brightens my day and your laugh melts my heart. You will never know how much your daddy and I love you.
So today we are going to celebrate your little life. You have brought us so much joy over the past year. There is no way I could possibly post it all. I thank Jesus every single day for allowing me to be your mom. I am such a lucky girl. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life loving you.

Some things you are doing at a year….
You weigh almost 24 pounds and wear 12 to 18 month clothes.
You love to eat and will eat anything that I put in front of you.
You are getting really close to walking. You will walk behind your push toys and you always make sure than one of us is watching you.
You think it is so funny when we hold your hand and help you walk. You start laughing so hard that you can no longer stand up.
Your vocabulary is getting a little bigger. You say, “DaDa, MaMa, Baba, NaNa, LaLa, and Duh!”
You wave, point and will throw a fit in the floor if you don’t get your way.
Everywhere we go people always tell me how cute you are. This makes me so proud.
You are not big on naps. You usually take several 45 minutes naps a day. You can get really fussy in the evenings.
Happy Birthday to the most precious little boy I know. Daddy and I love you so much!