Today is my first day back at work so that means that today was Coleson’s first day at daycare. Let me just say that today was probably one of the hardest days that I have had in my entire life. It was so hard to leave him this morning after him being all mine for the past 11 months. I cried most of yesterday and this morning from the time my feet hit the floor until about an hour after I got to work. When we walked in this morning, the lady asked me if everything was alright. Dennis said that she probably thought that he beat me on the way this morning until she found out that it was Coleson’s first day. Then she knew exactly what was wrong. It got much better as the day went on. I have wanted an iPhone for a while now and my husband showed up at my work right after lunch with one. It is my birthday gift and I guess he felt that if I got it today it would help cheer me up. Well it really did. I am so excited and can’t wait to get home and play with it. Thank you Dennis! You couldn’t have given it to me at a better time than when you did. I hope my baby has had a wonderful day at daycare today and I hope his teachers have loved on him for me. I can’t wait to get home and get my hands on him. I sure have missed him so much!!
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