Monday, February 15, 2010


Dennis and I had a GREAT Valentine’s Day. My parents took Coleson to the rodeo Saturday and kept him Saturday night so that Dennis could have the day and night all to ourselves. We went out to eat at Tico’s and then went to see Dear John. The movie was really good. Dennis also gave me two pieces of my pottery that I collect. We got to sleep in Sunday morning which was a real treat. We are up by 7:00 EVERY morning these days. Coleson will not sleep past then. The best gift for us was spending time with the kids last night. We got them all a little happy and so did all of their grandparents.
After supper we relaxed and spent time together. Coleson wanted his big sister to rock him to sleep last night and she loved it. He loves her so much and wants her to hold him when she is at our house. We are so glad that he gets to see them a little more now that softball has started. We are about to really get kicked into high gear in a few weeks. I will have my hands FULL chasing a little munchkin around but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Now to change the subject a little…. Dennis proposed to me 3 years ago today and it has been the best 3 years of my life. Thank you Dennis for picking me to be your wife!

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